Love Affirmation Sticky Notes

Just Breathe card

Your Future is Bright card

You are so Smart

You a Bad Girl and Your Friend Bad too card

You're Savage card

True Scoops Ice Cream Starter Kit - Vanilla Bean & Hot Fudge

Granny’s Guide to Feeling Better

Greek Coffee card

Make Lemonade

Being a Teacher is Hard

Things Teachers Say in their Heads

Rose All Day card

With Sympathy Water Color

A Family That Prays Together Stays Together

Tequila is a Terrible card

I Ducked Up card


Puzzle by Apostrophe

Prosperity Affirmation Card Deck

True Scoops Ice Cream - Chocolate

After Break-up Glow up candle

Validation is for parking

Spark Hella Joy card

Building connections through gifting
Just like how gifts strengthen the bonds between people, Bifties is creating a community of Black-owned businesses, and charities that are working together to support one another and the Black community as a whole.
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